Managing the lifecycle of digital content is tricky business because it involves a lot of coordination and projects that are often overlapping. Having a clear plan of what content you need, who is going to create it, and where it will be used is a great start, but unfortunately only a small part of the process.
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Busting the myths: Why Creative Automation isn’t optional anymore
For modern advertisers, producing quality content and achieving personalization at scale can sometimes feel like mutually exclusive events. Creative Automation has been sitting in the wings, waiting to make high quality and personally-tailored advertising a reality. Yet there is still some reluctance to embrace new technologies. In this article, we investigate the possible reasons for hesitation to move forward.
How our Template Builder helps brands create ads at scale
The challenges that marketing and creative leaders are facing with ad production are more complex than ever. Here’s how a seamless process can help.
7 digital marketers share what’s next in the ad space in 2021
Anyone who’s involved in digital marketing knows this: getting your ads out there is one thing, but actually connecting with your audience in an authentic way can be another. Curious to learn more? We got 7 seasoned marketers to share their perspectives and ideas for what’s to come in 2021 in the ad space.
5 marketers reveal how they use dynamic video ads that convert
Dynamic video ads help you reach your audience contextually but the process of creating them doesn’t have to keep you permanently glued to your computer. Learn what some key marketers have to say about it.
Helping creatives be creative again: A chat with Lennard Kooy
With ad personalization and Creative Automation on the rise, we’re always on the lookout to find out how our very own team is working towards creating best-in-class experiences to meet customers’ expectations, and what marketers can do to be successful as the future unfolds.
Celebrating diversity at work: Storyteq joins the Diversity Charter
On 23rd December, 2020, Storyteq has signed the Diversity Charter, a declaration of intent that our company is serious about focusing on more diversity and inclusion.
Read our announcement to learn what this means, and why we committed to decreasing gender inequality and promoting cultural diversity in our organization.
Why every designer needs to use Creative Automation tools
The digital marketing community is no longer talking about having to prove the value of design to get a seat at the table. But creative people have also lost something along the way which is taking the joy out of design. In this article, we’ll explain how Creative Automation tools can help return that joy to the job.
Best practices on scaling your ad strategy from Square, Glovo, and bunq
In this article, we zoom in on some key approaches you can take to scale your ads while keeping quality and personalization as your foundation, and consumers at the forefront.
Dynamic creatives: The marketer’s definitive guide
When it comes to great ad experiences, dynamic creatives are how you make sure you are telling the right story to the right audience. In this article, we explore what dynamic creatives are and dive into the best practices for getting the most out of them.
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